Cleveleys News 2018 Review

2018 has been another incredible year for Cleveleys News. So many tweets to choose from, but we let our readers decide and here are our TOP tweets, as "liked" and retweeted by YOU.


The year began with the sad news that Teletubby Tinky Winky had died.

New electronic signs started popping up around Blackpool. A few other people on social media tried to copy us, but this was our original (and obviously, the best) tweet.

The news in March was dominated by goings-on at Blackpool FC with a public feud between Owen and Karl Oyston, and bailiffs being called by Valeri Belokon.

Spring sprung, and while the thoughts of many turned to quietly contemplate the meaning of Easter, Blackpool folk turned to drunken fighting and vomiting in the street.

The royal wedding of Harry and Meghan was approaching, and our coverage of the build-up captured your attention. And while all that went on at Buckingham Palace, a young man mooned off the top of our very own Norbreck Castle.

Train cancellations and reality shows were what you were interested in the most during June.

This month you showed love for our coverage of Donald Trump's visit, as well as our predictions for Blackpool Football Club.

A quieter month for news, our tweets you enjoyed the most were of Blackpool fine art and local TV soap's Knott Enders' Garth and Jessie.

Britney came to Blackpool, and you liked our exclusive look at her hotel room.

Bakery wars on Cleveleys high street caught your attention.

Bonfire night, and our coverage of the Blackpool FC supporter's bonfire was your favourite.

The two big stories this month were the radio ban of a Christmas record and the new signage at Taylor's Bakery.

Thanks for making 2018 another fun year. See you in 2019 for more Cleveleys News.


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