Week ending 19th January 2018

What a drive-thru carry on

I for one do not understand all the fuss being made by residents about the new McDonalds. I think a lesson or two could be learned from the Carry On team, who made us all laugh for two decades with 30 films of good old-fashioned postcard humour (I don't recognise 1992's 'Carry On Columbus' as canonical). You didn't see Sid James or Bernard Bresslaw complaining about the smell of burgers or increased traffic around Amounderness Way. Why? I'll tell you why. Because they were too busy watching Barbara Windsor's bra fall off.

In this age of so-called political correctness I imagine that it would be considered 'wrong' for a woman's bra to fall off, but I can guarantee that if it were to happen at a council planning meeting it would stop people moaning about McDonalds, momentarily at least. Barbara recently came to Blackpool to switch on the lights and spoke about how much she loved the place so I'm sure she'd be willing to attend one of these meetings and 'help out'. She might be in her 80s, but Babs has still got it, and more importantly, she's still got them. So come on Wyre Council, do the right thing and get the Carry On team to 'take-away' this 'drive-thru' problem.



Dear Sirs,

I am outraged by the residents of Victoria Road West, Osbourne Avenue and other surrounding streets near the proposed McDonalds restaurant.  I find their views totally self centred, selfish and generally abhorrent.  Users of 'Thornton Cleveleys Chat' on Facebook have described the new Chinese takeaway next to The Jolly Tars as ‘average at best’, and have also complained about the lack of ‘atmosphere’ in Morrisons. Furthermore, KFC in Cleveleys are now refusing to offer a choice of chicken in their Bargain Buckets. A new McDonalds is just what we need.

In regards to the concerns raised around traffic at the roundabout entering the proposed site, this would be completely eliminated if the residents of the aforementioned streets vacate their properties or Wyre Borough Council get their act together and issue a Compulsory Purchase Order under the Acquisition of Land Act 1981. This would allow more access points to the site and provide parking for visitors that will no doubt travel from Singleton and maybe further to view Ronalds McDonalds latest erection.

via email


The other day my grandson told me that he'd had a 'McMuffin' for breakfast. Having never been to a McDonalds I had no idea this was the name of an item on their menu. As a result, I thought he was trying to tell me that he'd had an ordinary 'muffin' for breakfast and had developed a stammer. How we laughed when we found out! Although I have to say that the speech therapist we sent him to was less amused and said we had wasted their valuable time.

Dorothy Plankton

Commendation for the NHS

I recently attended A&E for something trivial that I really shouldn't have bothered them with. I was left waiting for nearly 5 hours, during which time I started to feel much better. I have to say that a few hours away from the screaming kids, watching TV in the waiting room with a hot beverage from the nearby vending machine, and having a chat with a crack addict was exactly what I needed to unwind and get my life in perspective. Consequently I have nothing but good things to say about the NHS and don't understand why so many people criticise them.

Derek Izal


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