YOUR LETTERS - 23rd July 2019

Rough Justice
We hear a lot about a lack of justice these days. I say make the punishment fit the crime. If you’ve stolen something, the public should be allowed to take their pick of your belongings; if you don’t pick up your dog’s poo then you should have dog poo pushed through your letterbox. Also, if you’ve lied on Twitter that the nitrogen used in fracking is completely safe because a percentage of our breathable air is nitrogen anyway then you should be forced to breathe only nitrogen and see how long you last. And have dog poo pushed through your letterbox. Oh and before you ask, yes, I am a regular contributor to Thornton Cleveleys Chat on Facebook.
Tom Opinion
McDonalds Yet Again Once More
Now that the McDonalds in Cleveleys has finally been green-lit, the town can look forward to experiencing the Big Mac, Large Fries, Huge Belly and Massive Neck.
Jilly Junter
Cross about Norcross
The work being done to Norcross roundabout to improve the traffic flow will cause months of chaos and delays for people who commute out of Thornton, Cleveleys and Fleetwood. Which is basically everybody who doesn’t work at B&Ms, Freeport, or in one of Thornton’s five ironing shops.
John Borisson
It’s a crime
Very disappointed to hear the latest statistics that only 8% of crimes are actually solved. What are the police even doing? This wouldn’t have happened under the watchful eye of Sergeant Frank Wilkins from the 1960 film ‘Carry on Constable’. Frank (played by the late, great Sid James) ran a tight ship, but a little bit of humour helped things along. True, the worst thing they had to deal with was a false murder report and a petty wages theft which they solved by accident, but I’m sure they’d be able to cope with Blackpool’s massive rates of violence and drug crimes just as easily. Also it wouldn’t hurt to have the lovely Barbara Windsor around, although she wasn’t in that film for some reason, it may have been while she was hanging around with the Krays.
NHS crisis
The other day I needed to see my GP. I called them first and was pleased to learn from the reception staff that I did not need to have a prior appointment and that I could just turn up. I went along, parking was easy and once inside there was no delay whatsoever - I was ushered straight inside. I sat down and explained my medical history and problem to the doctor and it was at this point that he told me that this was the Carphone Warehouse. No wonder the NHS is in crisis.
Mrs D.Rabbit
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