YOUR LETTERS - 19th February 2019

Obliging Oystons
Dear Cleveleys News,
I would just like to say that amidst all this negative talk about Blackpool Football club and owners the Oystons people forget about the good, charitable things the club does. I run a charity that cares for vulnerable people in society and when I contacted the club to propose a visit we were quickly invited and warmly welcomed by the owners. We watched a game for free, and they really got involved, sitting right in amongst us. Then they gave us a free VIP tour of the stadium, even giving some from our party private tours. They were so kind and insisted we visit again very soon. So perhaps they aren't all bad and people should not be so quickly to say unkind things about them.
Ben Karlow,
Lancashire Home for Vulnerable and Easily-Suggestible Ex-Beauty Queens and Former Swimsuit Models (a registered charity)
Brexit and Breslaw
Dear Cleveleys News,
I can't understand all these people moaning about us leaving Europe and saying that we won't be able to get cheap holidays abroad anymore. I for one look forward to more holidays in Great Britain just like the classic "Carry on Camping" (1969) in which the late great Sid James and Bernard Breslaw get up to all kinds of saucy larks with the ladies. Them Spanish birds couldn't hold a candle to Babs, who still has it at 81.
Flights of Fancy
Dear Cleveleys News,
A lot of people are upset about their flights being cancelled after the collapse of Flybmi. Not me. I used to live in Fleetwood but now I never have to return home.
G. Fish
Barcelona (formerly of Chatsworth Ave)
Brexit and Babs
Dear Cleveleys News,
I completely agree with all those who have legitimate concerns over leaving Europe. What will happen to our cheap holidays abroad? I for one will miss European holidays in the sun as portrayed in the classic "Carry on Abroad" (1972) in which the late great Sid James and Bernard Breslaw get up to all kinds of saucy larks with the ladies. Them pasty British birds that just go camping every year couldn't hold a candle to the sun-kissed women in the fictional Spanish resort of Elsbels. Except Babs of course, who still has it at 81.
Mail Mixup
Dear Cleveleys News,
Yesterday I got a hand-delivered letter shoved through my door which said "Nextdoor" on it. I thought it had been delivered to the wrong house so I dutifully posted it through my "nextdoor" neighbour's letter box, but a short while later though my neighbour on the other side did the same to me! Imagine how everybody on my street all laughed when we discovered that the letters we all received had not been delivered to "nextdoor" by mistake but were simply an invitation to join "Nextdoor", a new online service for curtain-twitchers, gossips and semi-professional know-it-alls.
Mrs Debbie Downer
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