Deedee's Blog: Returning to the new normal

Ooooooooooooh hello loves, it’s me, Deedee, the local octogenarian blogger from the Cleveleys area. Yes, I’m Cleveleys through and through, like a stick of Bridlington rock. Well! What a few months it’s been! Last time I blogged (that’s internet speak, by the way, and an abbreviation for ‘write on a blog’) it was May and we’d just been locked down a month. How time has flown! Summer has been and gone early and we’re still arguing about masks. Shopping isn’t quite what it used to be. On the positive side, the fresh bread and cakes at Lidl are wrapped up, because I always suspected that the kids were coming in and licking the icing sugar off the top of the doughnuts. On the down side though, there’s hardly any room to social distance in that place, and even with a mask on I’m having palpitations by the time I get to the frikadellen. I just heard that Cleveleys Aldi is closing for 12 weeks while they have an extension done, so perhaps the aisles there will be a bit wider when it’s done, b...