YOUR LETTERS - 20th December 2019

Where’s the money? All we hear about these days is austerity, and that there is no money for public services; and how Brexit is going to bring us even more financial woes. Yet, the answer to all our financial problems is staring us in the face. In 2017, then Prime Minister Theresa May famously said that we don’t have “ a magic money tree that we can shake ”. Surely the solution is to get one of these trees! I think it is shocking that the leaders of our country would go on record to declare the existence of such a magical tree and yet make no effort to obtain one! This is Britain! We used to rule the world, and if we wanted something, we went and took it! Well, we want one of these magic money trees, so lets bally well go out and get one. I imagine they grow somewhere mystical, like Peru, or Stonehenge. Dave Sceptic Bispham Political correctness has gone mad I was quite dismayed to read that Blackpool Council are adapting a number of roads so that they are accessible to “...