Low in the High Street

Let’s face facts - the high street isn’t what it used to be. What was once a wide array of independent shops selling things that you couldn’t buy anywhere else is now a wasteland of bargain stores selling cheap tat that nobody really needs or wants. Blackpool now has so many empty and boarded up shop units it looks like a post-nuclear-apocalyptic landscape (and thanks to the increase in spice users it even has zombies wandering around to complete the look). Decades ago, small businesses like butchers, bakers and candlestick makers were threatened by the arrival of the first supermarkets. A few survived (candlestick makers seem to have fared the worst) and today those that remain serve a dwindling customer base of old people who didn't really want decimalisation, never mind supermarkets. Once that audience has gone, who knows what will happen to those last bastions of local fayre. But even younger generations have witnessed the collapse - record shops, electronics stores, comput...