Cultural Cleveleys

Cleveleys residents do not need to be told what a rich, cultural heritage the town has. Everywhere you look is a reminder of it's unique and irreplaceable history, as well as its present live culture, as vibrant as it is diverse. Skateboarding teens collide with elderly, infirm pensioners in a way that anywhere else in the world would result in a trip to Accident and Emergency, but here in Cleveleys the juxtaposition of these two opposing cultures just seems to work. Metaphorically, at least. If they actually collide in a physical way we do recommend calling for an ambulance. A number of annual events bring visitors to Cleveleys from far and wide. Among these are the annual Cleveleys Mobility Scooter Jousting Tournament, held each year on St Georges Day. This wonderful traditional display of chivalry and bloodlust dates back to medieval times and has changed very little over the passage of time. Calls from health and safety cranks to replace the real lances with theatrical props ...